Check the data below. If it is accurate, download a copy of your data using the download button. Use the filters on the three previous tabs to target specific years or to download your entire set of data.

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Overall Points Total


Use this button to download all existing workload data from the server.

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Category Calculation Explanation
Lecture Hours Weekly hours of lecture for course * number of weeks you taught course This is the total number of lecture delivery hours you have for any one course.
Tutorial Hours Weekly hours of tutorials for course * number of weeks you taught course This is the total number of tutorial delivery hours you have for any one course. It is modified based whether you teach more than one tutorial group per week.
Lecture Delivery Points (Default) Lecture Hours * 3 For each hour of lecture delivery, you get 3 points as the default. This is meant to represent the time preparing and delivering a lecture.
Lecture Delivery Points (New Courses) Lecure Hours * 4.5 New course delivery recieves more points per hour (4.5) to account for the additional time preparing material for a new course
Lecture Delivery Points (Distance Delivery) Lecture Hours * 4.5 Distance delivery courses (mainly MA ALIN courses) also receive an increased hourly modifier to account for the additional time spent interacting with distance students
Lecture Delivery Points (New Course AND Distance Delivery) Lecture Hours * 6 Instances where you are teaching a new course that is also distance delivery receives both modifiers (1.5 * 2), for a total multiplier of 6.
Tutorial Delivery Points Tutorial Hours * 1.5 + (Number of Tutorial Groups * Number of Hours per Tutorial per week * number of weeks taught) [I need to double check this - should it be -1 for the groups?] If your course has tutorials, you recieve a multiplier of 1.5 points per hour of tutorial delivery to account for preparation and delivery of tutorial. You receive an additional one point per hour for any additional tutorial groups.
Assessment Percentage The percentage of assessment you have marked for a course Calculate the total amount of assessment you have marked. You should consider the percentage weighting of each assessment item and how many items you marked.
Assessment and Marking (No Tutorials, Non-WRIT Courses) [0.5 * Number of Students * Course Credits] / [Number of weeks in trimester for course * number of weeks taught] / 10 * Assessment percentage This is to account for time spent marking. For courses with no tutorials it is assumed the lecturer has no tutors and thus does the marking for all students.
Assessment and Marking (No Tutorials, WRIT Courses) [0.5 * Number of Students * Course Credits] / [Number of weeks in trimester for course * number of weeks taught] / 5 * Assessment percentage This is to account for time spent marking. For courses with no tutorials it is assumed the lecturer has no tutors and thus does the marking for all students. WRIT courses receive more assessment credit because of the detailed feedback provided on multiple drafts
Tutor Supervision Meeting Points Add an additional 6 points (an additional 12 if a WRIT course) This is to account for the additional time spent training any new tutors for a particular course. You should select this ONLY if the tutor is new to the course.
Moderation among Multiple Markers [0.25 * number of students / full weeks of course] * weeks as CC) This is for courses in which more than one person marks the same assignment, which accounts for the time spent moderating the marking of tutors, etc.. Only applies if you actually engaged moderation for the purpose of establshing consistency among markers.
Course Coordination Points [(0.1 * number of students / full weeks of course) * weeks of CC] + New Tutor Points + Moderation among Multiple Markers Points + 6 if WRIT (course preparation) These points recognise the time spend as course coordinator for each course. You get points based on the total number of students, plus additional points if you had to train new turors, engage in intensive moderation, or if you teach a WRIT course (because WRIT requires extra preparation)
PhD and MA supervision (Percentage of supervision * 5) * total months supervising PhD and MA Thesis supervision is worth 5 points per month, split between the supervisors
Internal Thesis Examiner (Total Theses examined - 1) * 15 First internal thesis examination does not accrue points, anything beyond first is worth 15 points (TBD)


1. General Instructions

  • Enter your name and year on the first tab. You should try to enter data for just one year at at time.

  • Click on each of the tabs to enter relevant information for teaching, supervision, and anything else (rerekē)

  • Complete your options for each entry and then click the associated “Add” button

  • Revise courses by clicking on them in the table, changing the values, and clicking “Add”

  • Delete things from tables by selecting them in the table and then clicking the “Delete” button

  • The final tab lists an explanation of all the points calculations (mostly for teaching)

  • If you stay idle for too long, you will likely disconnect from the server and need to start over!

2. For the teaching tab, you will need to know:

  • The number of students in your course
  • The number of weeks you taught (or the decimal equivalent)
  • The number of tutorial groups you taught per week
  • The number of weeks you coordinated a course for
  • The overall percentage of assessment you marked for a course

3. For grant buyout

  • Choose the course you have bought out from
  • Enter the amount of work you bought out, and any associated roles
  • For example, if you hired a tutor/lecturer to lectur for five weeks, enter five weeks of lectures as if you had taught them
  • If the person you also hired was the course coordinator, add that and other options accordingly.
  • This may need tweaking based on feedback.

4. Supervision is where you enter all of your PhD, MA, and directed research students

  • You should continue entering PhD supervision for a student until they deposit their thesis in the library
  • for supervision papers that go beyond one tri, please enter them once for each tri for a year. this is to account for supervision that goes from one year to the next.

5. Rerekē includes internal LALS service roles, external university roles, internal LALS thesis examiner, and RSL

  • You will need to enter RSL in MONTHS but only for a given calendar year
  • You will need to enter external service roles in FTE (.1 to 1)
  • Internal thesis examination only accrues points after the first. In other words, you only get points for 2+ internal examinations.

6. NZSL Specific instructions

  • For teaching, you can enter multiple rows of the same course to account for workshops and lectures, you just need to select a few more options

7. WRIT specific instructions

  • For teaching, you can enter more than one row to account for multiple sections taught in the same tri year (e.g., if you CC one section of WRIT 101 but teach another)
  • What does “Number of students enrolled” actually mean?
    • If you are teaching but not coordinating, it means the number of students in the classes you teach
    • If you are coordinating, it means the total number of students enrolled in the course